Winmail.dat Troubleshooting
We email the majority of our files as password protected PDFs. Recently, we have received feedback that occasionally when we email a PDF attachment, it comes through as a winmail.dat file that they are unable to open. This is a known translation issue between Microsoft and some other email hosts, and is not something we have control over. Here are a few things to try to open the file that have worked for some clients:
Often, the winmail.dat does not contain a PDF at all, only formatting language for the body of the email. Confirm that the email with the winmail.dat attachment was supposed to have an attached file; we usually specifically state in the body of the email that there is an attachment, or if the attachment is sent tthrough a separate email.
Make sure that our office email addresses are added to your safe senders list and add our email to you contact list.
If you are viewing the attachment on a cell phone, try viewing it from a tablet or computer.
Make sure your software is up to date, including your device’s software as well as Adobe’s.
Try saving the file and renaming it from .dat to .pdf at the end of the file name.
Right click the file and try printing as a PDF.
If you have tried all of the above and are still unable to open the file, please contact our office. We can either set up a Citrix ShareFile folder for you and upload the PDF for secure document sharing, or mail you a paper copy of the attachment.